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About Nicoleta.

I'm a constantly evolving and changing individual who is on a never-ending journey of self-discovery. From a young age, I have been asking the question, "Who am I?" and "What am I supposed to do here?" These questions and many similar ones have shaped my life and have led to a journey of self-reflection and growth.

As a child, I was a scared and very insecure little girl who felt left behind, alone. I was extremely afraid of people, scared to speak up, too scared to look people in the eyes,I was ashamed myself and my body. I felt like I was never good enough,I felt like a burden, a mistake,I felt inferior, powerless and I hated myself to the point of even wishing my life away. All that and so much more created in many ways the person I am today.For a long time I wanted so badly to love, please, save, fix and change everyone, if possible the whole world,I know this now that deep down I was really hoping for someone to come acknowledge, love, save and fix me.I learned many things the hard way through many failures, through many bad experiences, and today I feel blessed that life has taken me away from the edge of the precipice and given me truly the chance to find myself to discover the real me in ways I never imagined it was possible.If I can do it so can you.I believe anything is possible if you have faith.


Yes I was once that person who would do anything to avoid confrontation or conflict. I wanted to always do everything perfect so people would like me, even though I was the ultimate people pleaser,I still felt like no one ever cared about me, like I didn’t belong anywhere, like I was a nobody.


But over time,I learned to undo this patterns,I learned to be kind to be brave, to be honest, to love, to forgive and now I value myself enough to nourish and care for my body,I value community, other people, connection, support. By learning to accept, trust, love, and be kind to myself I also learned the importance of taking care of me and what that means.
I also learned what it means being that change I wish to see in the world, just like the great Gandhi said.


My journey has always been one of self-reflection as since I can remember as I always asked questions like "Who am I?"What am I supposed to do with my life?”What do I want my life to be ?”Who says we have to do it this way?” Etc 


By allowing myself to receive, be honest, patient and vulnerable, I have slowly discovered again the sweetness of love and joy for life and living. Each day is a new opportunity to learn and grow, to discover more about oneself and the world around us.


Through my journey, I hope to inspire others to know that it's okay to be wherever you are, that they are not alone, that they matter and they are important too and that they deserve to be loved.

I want them to know that is okay to be scared, to make mistakes, and to feel lost at times. It's all part of the journey of self-discovery and growth.I want them to know that there are tools out there that can help them along the way.


On my journey I learned that in order to be the best version of oneself, it's important to be kind, honest, generous, patient, and brave. These qualities have helped me in many ways and have led to a life of fulfilment and happiness.

I also understand the importance of action taking finding meaning, purpose and value in life. It's essential to discover what truly makes you happy and fulfilled and pursue it with all your heart. It may take time to figure it out, but the journey is worth it.


My journey of self-discovery has been a long and challenging one, but also rewarding and fulfilling. By being patient, consistent, honest, vulnerable, and kind to oneself, it's possible to find happiness and fulfilment and so much more.I hope to inspire others to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and discover the best version of themselves.



    With love &  gratitude!


+44 7791 219955



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